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Journey Through Flowers.


Flowers, to me, have always been a simple ornament to any lawn or household; so when I went to visit the Brooklyn Botanical Garden, I was expecting to see no more than a larger version of my neighbor’s backyard.  When I glanced in, though, I found an array of unique flowers, each seemingly to have a story of its own.  The first flower I encountered was the Calliandra.  It somewhat resembled a pink porcupine, but to my surprise, when I touched it, it was as soft as any stuffed animal.  After admiring this for a couple of minutes, I found several doors that led to what seemed to be a whole different world.  They were filled with trees that had the most humongous leaves, cactus roses, pedals that looked like faces, and so many other plants that not even my imagination could think of.  After four hours of walking through the entire garden, with an hour dedicated to getting lost several times, I wondered if there was any way to capture all of its beauty and fragrances, and bring them with me as I reenter the real world.


1 ploew { 11.17.09 at 12:34 pm }

I went to the Brooklyn Botanical Garden and the Bronx Botanical Garden too! Each Garden has soo many cool flowers and plants, unique and different. I normally go to the annual orchid show in the Bronx Botanical Garden to see the hundred plus varieties of orchids!

2 Ke Jiang { 11.17.09 at 8:42 pm }

Wow! Now you make me want to go. I love the flower with the mustache. I always wanted to know what it was called. The garden probably smelled good too, right?

3 Joseph Han { 11.17.09 at 9:04 pm }

OMG!!! YEs I love the Brooklyn Botanical Garden. I usually go with my family during the spring time especially when the cherry blossoms are blooming because they’re so pretty.

4 Adam Hashemi { 12.09.09 at 2:23 am }

I’ve always heard of this garden but have never had the chance to make it there. I was never a nature person, but this sounds like something I just have to see