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Everything That Glitters Is Not Gold


Last Monday I participated in the Guggenheim Mind’s Eye Tour. This tour is held monthly for people with sensory impairments and gathered a unique collection of perspectives.

The exhibit explored was titled “Paired, Gold.” It comprised of a conjunctive conversation between two artists touched by gold: Felix Torres-Gonzales and Roni Horn. Although Torres-Gonzales work is untitled, its aesthetic magnificence has so much to say. “Untitled” is a 20’ by 30’ plastic-beaded curtain that is glittering with gold. The cascade of shimmer looks sublime, but what is it; mere plastic cellophane painted in gold? It materiality and implication is literally nothing.

However, crossing the curtain is a simple and humble world—a “Gold Field.” On the bare floor is a 5’ by 4’ rectangular mat of pure 24K gold.. It is simply sitting there; without any barricade, plexy-glass or any other barrier. Its simple immensity astonishing. You just want to dive into the radical simplicity and emotive captivation. There is so much that it says in so little a way.

1 comment

1 Jessica Lam { 11.18.09 at 11:20 pm }

You podcast is really interesting. It is really interesting how the bigger piece is not made out of gold and the smaller piece is. Yet the bigger piece seems to get more attention. I guess these pieces also tells us that if a viewer feels that its art to them its art. Some art has more value to them even though they cost less than the 24k gold on the floor. It is also interesting how the gold piece is on the floor and this other artwork was on the wall. Still, why did they wasted 24k gold just to make a mat!