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Daxin’s Blurb


Over the weekend, I went to the Sexy Sunday hosted in Peachfrog, a highly recommended outlet in Williamsburg. They had it once during the Fashion’s Week two months ago and this Sunday was an extension to that event. This brought back the sweet memories of the Fashion’s Night Out, which I decided to blurb about.
On September 10th, 2009, Shelley and I went on a tough journey exploring all these luxurious stores on Fifth Ave. It was exhausting but so much fun. We went to Saks Fifth Ave, Gucci, Macy’s, Barney’s, Lord and Taylor. It opened our eyes to the fashion world that we were not aware of—fashion is the art of wearing art on one’s self. The most interesting experience that I had was knitting on the main floor of Barney’s New York. Wool and the Gang was the brand that presented this project. Customers were welcomed to sit down and learn how to knit. The pieces that we produced would eventually be collected and put together into a giant blanket that would be exhibited in the 9/11 Memorial and Museum. I was terrible at knitting even after I was taught three times. This was what I produced and this was what it supposed to be. What a shame. Anyways, it felt good when I got to participate in the making of art. I know very well that “in fashion, one day you’re in, the next you’re out.” But I am glad that I had a glimpse of the inside of it in the Fashion’s night out.


1 Jessica Lam { 11.18.09 at 11:10 pm }

I liked the different clothing that you put in your podcast. They are so pretty. I really liked that long dress that both Shelley and you took a picture with :). It made me wish I didn’t miss it!

2 Jessica Lam { 11.18.09 at 11:11 pm }

By the way, your line “One day your in, the next day your out” reminded me of the show Project Runaway! The finale is tomorrow:)!