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1 shussain { 11.18.09 at 4:41 pm }

I love the pictures! They’re very colorful and vibrant. I’ve seen the buildings before from the 7 train.

2 shussain { 11.18.09 at 4:41 pm }

I love the pictures! They’re very colorful and vibrant. I’ve seen the buildings before from the 7 train.

3 jwinfield { 11.18.09 at 5:01 pm }

I have never scene graffiti as beautiful art before. Generally, I saw it as scribbles on the walls that teenagers do to rebel. However, now I see the beauty of graffiti. These drawings are amazing and the artists are incredible.

4 sjiang { 11.18.09 at 5:06 pm }

wow the pictures definitely helped me visualize what you talked about in your podcast. I never knew a place like this existed. This is amazing!

5 Tiffany Wong { 11.25.09 at 5:43 pm }

I feel like every building should allow graffiti artists to do this. It sure beats the concrete and brick walls.

6 Paula Danielle { 11.25.09 at 6:55 pm }

I love the art that’s being showed there – the fact that it’s showing graffiti as an art is really amazing because often times it is underappreciated!

7 ploew { 12.07.09 at 12:17 pm }

The art is really interesting! I have been on the 7 train numerous times but have never looked out to see the art around me!