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Blurb 4 – Seasons Greetings



1 ploew { 12.08.09 at 8:59 pm }

First of all, I love Madison Square Park because it is home to Shake Shack!!!! However, I did not know they had a Christmas tree lightening debut. I always go to Rockefeller Center to see the tree lightening but maybe I can change my plans next year. Also, I really liked how you talked about how people went to this event to put away all their worries and stress! I sh0uld do the same!!!!

2 Tiffany Wong { 12.10.09 at 8:40 pm }

Wow, the lights are absolutely stunning! I didn’t even realize they had a tree lighting at Madison Square Park. I really liked how you did your actual blurb all while experiencing the event. I hope my tree turns out like that one haha.

3 wilsonjiang { 12.15.09 at 9:37 pm }

It really amazes me how much the holiday spirit can bring everybody together no matter how great the differences. The lighting of a Christmas tree is just as joyous as the dropping of the New Year’s ball, both bring smiles to faces and laughter resonating throughout the cold chilly air.