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Category — Podcasts and Videos

Ke’s Interview

November 11, 2009   Comments Off on Ke’s Interview

La música is everything.

So, this is a collaborative work between 4 people: Me, Juan, Angela, and Wilson. We went to 42nd street and there was a band called Agua Clara which consisted of 4 people playing different instruments from South American descent. Their music was very unique and was relaxing but exhilarating at the same time. Without further adieu, here is our interview with two of the band members, Angel and Jorge.

P.S. For the people who are wondering about the ending, we were going to interview the Leopard Man at Union Square, but it failed for obvious reasons… However, it was still entertaining to watch his acrobatic and contortionistic acts.

November 11, 2009   2 Comments

Oxford Debate @ Baruch


November 11, 2009   2 Comments

Interview with THE DIRECTOR (2nd draft)

I went to this amazing play performed by Four Season Theatrical Organization on October 17 and it was just amazing. The people take art as part of their lives. On top of their busy working and schooling schedules, they are willing to sacrifice their time and money to give in 120%, unpaid. It’s a place where reality and fairy-tale intersect. By interviewing Director Zhou, I was influenced by the group’s passion. Please enjoy!

November 11, 2009   Comments Off on Interview with THE DIRECTOR (2nd draft)

Opera @ Brooklyn College

Couldn’t quite figure out how to add my video to the CHC channel on youtube, but this is just as good.

Also – a heads up – when you select the “embed” html to copy and paste, before you copy it, look a little further down in the same area and click the shadowed box that says “480 x 295”. Any size bigger than that stretches out our blog page!

November 11, 2009   1 Comment

Illustrated Feature: Real Music Reverberates Richly

Real Music Reverberates Richly


Even in today’s highly technological world live music delivers so much more than any other medium of music. Everyone might have an iPod today and may have it on at all times; but it still doesn’t capture the authenticity of real music being played a professional live musician(s). You can see how the musician is making each sound wave perfect. You can feel the anxiety, excitement, energy and enthusiasm that runs in the veins of the music. Any barrier in between is broken and you can become one with it. What you experience can never be recreated, it will live with you.  I experienced this on October 7th, at the Highline Ballroom, where Tyrone Wells, The Myriad and Matt Hires rock’n’rolled their lively audience, and taught at least one of their audience member that real music reverberates richly. [Read more →]

October 30, 2009   3 Comments

The Phantom of the Opera – Illustrated Feature/Podcast


The opening scene of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s “Phantom of the Opera,” as it stands today, is dark and dusty, as the older versions of the supporting cast stand awkwardly around the closed off stage as if they had never known each other. This scene has not changed one bit since the show opened more than 20 years ago (in 1988) at the Majestic Theatre on Broadway. Every line, note and piece of blocking has been passed on from cast to cast of the many seasons it has been in that theatre, virtually seamless transitioning through the years. [Read more →]

October 29, 2009   1 Comment

“New” Illustrated Feature – Rooftop Farming in NYC

Farms aren’t synonymous with New York City, by any stretch of the common imagination, but that may be changing. I grew up in Eastern Queens, a ten minute drive to Nassau County and only a five minute drive to Lake Success. This means I had easy access to the Queens County Farm Museum, “New York City’s largest remaining tract of undisturbed farmland” and “the only working historical farm in the City”. I’ve been there countless times, in fact – for the fall festival, the apple picking festival, the Halloween festival, and countless spring and summer events. When I was a younger child I could spend hours and hours running from one rickety wooden fencing to another, dirtying my hands in the dirt and hay, talking to the animals as if they knew me and getting my face painted. When I became a little older, some of my friends and I attended these events socially, walking around for a while and enjoying the sights, sounds and sunlight before leaving to go elsewhere. In all honesty, it’s been a few years since I went to a Queens County Farm Museum event, something that I might rectify next week at their Halloween festival.

That’s not to say that I’ve lost touch with the greener side of New York City. Farmers markets are present in Brooklyn, where I now live, and frequent trips to Union Square give me the opportunity to purchase my fruits and vegetables from the men and women who cultivated them. In an effort to reconnect with my organic past, this past weekend I gathered some friends and attended the Jamaica Harvest Festival in Jamaica, Queens. [Read more →]

October 27, 2009   3 Comments

Illustrated Feature: Vermeer’s Style

The Milkmaid: Vermeer’s Expedition into Finding His Style

Justin Koyithara


Never have I gone to a museum where the architectural grandiosity of the museum matched the beauty of the exhibits inside of it. This past Sunday I visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art, specifically the special exhibition called “Vermeer’s Masterpiece The Milkmaid,” which was lent here from Amsterdam. During his time, Johannes Vermeer wasn’t very well known as a painter, but today is one of the most famous Dutch Baroque painters. His fame now is due to his masterpiece, The Milkmaid, even though he wasn’t very well known during his time because of the small number of works that he actually produced. The guide, Tom Campbell, along with curator, Walter Liedtke, and conservator, Dorothy Mahon, use The Milkmaid and other works of Vermeer to show how his style changed overtime because of the influence of different artists. [Read more →]

October 26, 2009   Comments Off on Illustrated Feature: Vermeer’s Style

Blurb 2 – Shake Shack

October 25, 2009   4 Comments