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Category — Podcasts and Videos

Ke’s First Hockey Game – Blurb 2


(All pictures displayed in podcast are from online sources–they are not MINE) [Read more →]

October 6, 2009   2 Comments

Justin’s 50000th try at the podcast


My Song 2 3

September 21, 2009   1 Comment

Paula Danielle’s First podcast

September 16, 2009   Comments Off on Paula Danielle’s First podcast

Daxin’s first podcast 2nd draft


September 16, 2009   1 Comment

Adam’s 1st (delayed) podcast

September 16, 2009   Comments Off on Adam’s 1st (delayed) podcast

Jessica’s First Podcast


September 15, 2009   Comments Off on Jessica’s First Podcast

savannah’s podcast, take gazillion and one.

September 15, 2009   1 Comment

Uploading Podcasts

Here is a reminder for uploading Podcasts:

1. Go to your dashboard/backend

2. Add New post

3. Title post

4. Click Add Media icon below title box

5. Select your file

6. Copy the file’s URL

7. Close out media box and return to post

8. Click Add Media button below post box

9. Paste your file’s URL in the Location box

10. Assign Type to m4a

11. Paste [display_podcast] back up in post box

12. Preview and publish!!

September 10, 2009   1 Comment

Shelley’s first podcast ;D


September 9, 2009   Comments Off on Shelley’s first podcast ;D

Tiffany’s First Podcast??

Art is…


September 9, 2009   Comments Off on Tiffany’s First Podcast??