Use of Light in Photo


The light from the wall creates an outline of a person, but because the light is coming from behind, it does not allow for the person’s features to be seen. Because of this, there is an emphasis on the person even though she is not standing at the center. 

The Yarmouk Camp and Lighting.


The Yarmouk Camp is a primarily Palestinian refugee camp located in Syria that has been cut off and trapped from food and water from both ISIS and the Assad regime. The lighting in the photo I think is very appropriate to the general feeling and atmosphere of the situation where the back center of the photo is foggy and blurry, with the mass of people escaping from that center. The fogginess and blurriness I think is symbolic of the war and the bleakness of their situation.

Real or not?


This photo is made using adobe photoshop CC. The contrast of the red and blue light clearly separates the top and the bottom of the photo. It is difficult to focus on one part of the photo because the background contrast of light grabs the viewer’s attention. The lack of focus and the structure of the photo allows the viewer to look at the photo as a whole, which makes it hard to distinguish if it is real or not.



Lantern by Lia. This photograph uses light and composition in an interesting manner. The lantern held by the subject of the portrait is held in front of the sunset, while there are no other light sources. In a very ethereal manner, it looks as though the sky is being lit by the lantern solely. The placement of the subject and lantern in the center cause all focus and attention to go there as well, since they are the only things above the plane of the ground.