Everything could be art

There are many interesting galleries along 24th and 23rd street in downtown Manhattan. I found art could be in so many forms after I visited those galleries. I found pictures in one gallery arouse my curiosity. The following is one of the pictures. This picture is like a photograph but the man on the roof doesn’t look real and it also looks like a painting, but the texture looks so real. I got confused. Eventually, I was told that the artist made these models in the picture and took pictures of them.courtesy of Paolo Ventura

I also found the following fancy arts. These are some unique and weird models. These models’ body are decorated with various materials such as dolls, metal, and unused stuff. When I saw them at the first sight, I was shocked. They are big and look like a group of aliens in front of me.

The following is a artificial horse made of branches. I really admire the creativity of the artist. Any most common things that we usually ignore could be used to create arts by fantastic artist. I love the saying ” art is from life but beyond life”. Under the magic hands of the artists, any ordinary things from life could be transformed into elegant artistic works. Life could be so beautiful as long as we use our imagination.


3 thoughts on “Everything could be art

  1. Personally, I have to say that I really enjoy non-traditional art. You have provided excellent examples of exactly what i am referring to. Simply looking at the photographs that you have posted gives me inspiration and a sense of astonishment but seeing these in person must have transcended that a million times. You came across a great thing!

  2. The assemblage pieces you attached here remind of me of a movement called found object art or readymade which is comprised of objects that already have a non-art function and therefore, are not considered as art or art tools. The purpose of readymade is not of the composition but of the significance of the context in which they are placed. Marcel Duchamp is a famous readymade artist who created “fountain” and “bicycle wheel” which is still the subject of much debate of whether it is deemed worthy of being called ‘art.’ However, I must acknowledge the differences between what you’ve uploaded with Duchamp’s work; the models above are aesthetically pleasing (whether that is their intended function or not) whereas Duchamp’s work intentionally rebels against the idea of art being aesthetically pleasing and seeks to question that idea.

  3. “Found Art” has a relationship with “musique concrete” a musical idea from the 1950’s that explored recording (i.e. – recreating the concrete sound of the world around you) as a musical expression. The challenge for the artist is to have a good “eye” (or “ear”) and to make something interesting.

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