I Fell for Dance

Since we’ve touched on most of the general observations in Arts, I’d like to share some specific observations from the tap performance.

In the Tap number, I enjoyed the simplicity of the stage from the beginning. The spotlight hit him and him only, which directed the audience’s attention to the front of the stage where he stood. What, then, excited me was the first step that he executed. I was able to identify the step quickly, because the number required him to start slowly. It was the shuffle! Which is also known as the “brush and spank.” In this step, the dancer strikes the floor with what is referred to as the “toe” part of the foot. Then, he “spanks” it back with the toe again. The end of the step involves planting the foot in two steps: toe down then heal down. Due to the fact that actions speak more loudly than words, I’ve provided a sample of the step down below.

Another aspect I appreciated was the ballet incorporation. Given that I am currently enrolled in a tap class, I found the incorporation interesting, because I’m so unfamiliar with it. What this encourages me to do is take as many dance classes as possible, so I can combine techniques in a performance like this! So yes, I fell for dance, because it has taken an even more prominent part in my life.

One thought on “I Fell for Dance

  1. I have to say that I also enjoyed the simplicity of the performance too, however, I saw a hidden attitude. Perhaps, I am not the only that noticed this sense of spunk. I found the performance to be humorous and the dancer to be very talented. I am jealous that you are enrolled in a tap class! Tap is such an interesting dance because it looks simple. It looks like anyone can do it, but that is not the case at all. It is actually difficult to keep the rhythm going and to switch your balance from one leg to the other. As for taking all the dance classes you can… I can tell you that you will gain something from each and every one of them that you take. Dance is a beautiful form of expression and it really can become someones life. Trust me, it happened to me!

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