How To Use This Site
We’re hoping the tips below will help you navigate the site easily. To begin browsing the site, use the search bar on the homepage.
If you’re looking for:
- Individual topics: Use the tag cloud on the right hand side of the page to view projects by topic. The tag cloud will also let you view projects that are grouped under the same topic/tag and more frequently used tags will appear in a larger font. You can also search the site (using the search bar) for specific topics, phrases, or words that do not appear on the tag cloud.
- Projects in the arts or in the sciences: Hover over the “View Projects by” tab at the top of the site and click on “Seminar 1” to find student projects from the Arts in NYC seminars, or “Seminar 3” to find student projects from the Science Forward seminars. This search will show you projects across all Macaulay campuses at CUNY.
- Projects from a specific CUNY campus: In the “View Projects by” tab at the top of the site hover over the “Campus” category to see individual CUNY campus names (for example, Baruch, City College, etc.) and choose a campus. This allows you to see projects from Seminar 1 and Seminar 3 students on that campus. This kind of search may lead to some interesting interdisciplinary connections between STEAM projects.
- Projects from a specific student or a specific faculty member’s class: In the “View Projects by” tab at the top of the site hover over the “Faculty/TLC” category and choose the faculty member or TLC fellow whose class project you’d like to view.
- Something, anything, whatever, time has no meaning anymore: The handy “Show Me A Random Post” option (which should show up on the right-hand side of your screen) will curate a serendipitous search experience for you. Dive down the rabbit hole with randomly selected posts!