DNA of the Oonopidae
Group members: Karma Yangchen Tenzin, Yehudah Lipkind, James Lee, and Tonima Hossain (Egan, Seminar 3, 2020)
Since we had an interest in the subject, my group members, Karma Yangchen Tenzin, Yehudah Lipkind, and James Lee, and I, Tonima Hossain, decided to analyze the DNA of the below-ground spider family, Oonopidae. Why spiders? They’re everywhere, but we only notice the ones above ground. What about the ones belowground? After searching on Bioblitz for spider collection data, there was not much to be found. By doing this project, we used a way to assess belowground diversity using DNA We found DNA sequences on Genbank, and analyzed them with the help of DNA Subway and BLAST to find similarities and differences.