Energy Use in Ingersoll
Authors: Tanya Bukai, Salma Hassan, Esther Mathew, Taina Ortiz, Alyssa Serrano
(This is the third part of a three part project, please take a look at the other parts to get the full analysis of Brooklyn College’s energy usage)
This project is about observing and recording the energy use of our college campus; as a group we are specifically focusing on Ingersoll Hall and New Ingersoll. We have compared the energy use of these buildings from before the pandemic and after the pandemic hit our city. We then compared the energy usage pre-Covid and post-Covid to see how the absence of students and staff may have affected the use of energy in these buildings. After collecting this data, our goal is to find ways to reduce the amount of energy use and our carbon footprint in order to combat climate change.
Link to poster