HTML Codes

You can modify your project description with custom HTML. This page includes some common HTML codes that you may want to use.


You can easily insert a link into your description with the following code:

<a target="_blank" href="url">link</a>

To use this code, replace url with the address of the page that you’d like to link to, and replace link with the text that you’d like the viewer to see. For example, see the code below.

<a target="_blank" href="">Macaulay Honors College</a>

The above code creates the following:

Macaulay Honors College

You can insert this code on its own line, to set a link apart, or you can put it right in the middle of a paragraph for a more seamless user experience. Consider the following code:

This is a project for a <a target="_blank" href="">Macaulay Honors College</a> course.

This creates the following:

This is a project for a Macaulay Honors College course.

You are encouraged to use this function to its fullest potential for your STEAM projects. You can link to datasets you used, posts on your own class eportfolio, videos that you made or referred to – really anything that would help enrich the interested reader’s experience.


To make something bold, use the following code:


Replace example in the above code with the word (or words) that you want to make bold. As written, the above code creates the following:



To put something in italics, use the following tags:


Replace example in the above code with the word (or words) that you want to italicize. As written, the above code creates the following:
