Tag: culture

Spaces of Cultural Affinity

We combined the best elements of our mini magazine projects that reflected our journey throughout Seminar 1 into a collective poster exploring our cultural spaces of affinity, the Uptown Triennial, and key places of artistic fervor.

NYC Food Carts

In the bustling New York City, where the vibrant tapestry of cultures converges, the food scene is a reflection of this dynamic diversity. Our project aimed at creating an exhaustive and curated guide to the city’s iconic food carts. Our mission is to explore the rich tapestry of flavors and give recommendations to some of our favorite spots.

Dean Martin: The King of Cool

A detailed insight into the life of Dean Martin, known as the “The King of Cool”. An acclaimed entertainer who dominated the media of the mid-20th century with his charming personality and Italian American style.

The Essence of Soca

A dive into the world of the indigenous music of Trinidad and Tobago. Heard everywhere within the country and beyond its waters, soca has truly lived up to its name as the “soul” of the islands.