Walk Whenever signs
Walk Whenever signs otherwise known as pedestrian crossing signs that New Yorkers tend to ignore.
Walk Whenever signs otherwise known as pedestrian crossing signs that New Yorkers tend to ignore.
Discover the untold story of Seneca Village, a thriving 19th-century African American community that was demolished to make way for Central Park. The demolition of this space lead to the erasure of African American communities and history. Thanks to that, we were able to discover stories of perseverance, community, and the fight against injustice.
History unfolds before your eyes at our interactive museum that showcases the history of manufacturing in the United States. Immersive exhibits, revolutionary inventions, and virtual reality will transport you through the ages of production.
Our proposal is about a New York Museum of Music provides an auditory forum in which local, national, and international audiences can experience the rich musical history of New York.
Klezemer is a genre of Eastern European Jewish Music that dates back to the middle ages! Klezemer uses classical instruments for a lively and energetic sound that has lasted through the ages
A dive into the world of the indigenous music of Trinidad and Tobago. Heard everywhere within the country and beyond its waters, soca has truly lived up to its name as the “soul” of the islands.
Every person sees and understands events differently depending on their age, gender, social position, beliefs, and values. Our exhibit shows these perspectives as they pertain to war.