Freddo, Sightseeing, Subways

Jan 04 2011

Ice cream in Argentina just tastes better. Maybe it was the beauty of sitting outside of the cafe in the warm sunshine, with the lingering thought of escaping the harsh winter in New York, or it could have been the freshness of the ingredients. Freddo is a brand name that I kept passing throughout the day. It was a sign calling out to me for more ice cream, and with a quarter kilo for 15 to 20 pesos, why not?

Finding each other without cellphones is very difficult. We found this out while waiting for another cab of us to arrive at the Cementerio de la Recoleta. The cemetery was nothing like what I was expecting. These grave stones were beautiful monuments of architecture arranged in what seemed as a maze. It was incredibly easy to get lost, which we did manage to do while in search of Evita Peron’s grave.

We also took a trip to El Ataneo, an old theater transformed into a large bookstore. It was an incredibly upgraded Barnes and Nobles. To experience BA, we decided to ride the subway. Each ride is only two pesos! True the cars are not air conditioned, have windows open, and extremely crowded, to me it did not seem too different from the 7 train during rush hour on a hot summer day.

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