I Remember

Reading about the many trips made by the Ganguli family in The Namesake, as well as the tales of travel that their friends told them, reminded me of my experience traveling to London. It was a trip with my school that was being offered during spring break to the tenth grade class as well as a few seniors who helped with chaperoning. My sister was one of those seniors, which was fine with me because it was my first time going on a trip to another country and I spent most of it on my own with my friends anyway.

The first thing that comes to mind when I think of my trip, especially while reading about the Ganguli’s journeys, is the flight and the first day. We left New York in the middle of the day but I had to be up somewhat early to go to the school then to the airport. We flew with Virgin Atlantic and they had in flight entertainment systems for each seat with a bunch of new movies that we could watch for free. I ended up spending the entire flight watching some of these movies rather than sleeping. This was probably not the best idea because the plane landed in London at six in the morning and we spent the entire day touring the city. Of course, by the end of the day, I was exhausted!

The rest of the trip, however, was extremely fun and the weather was surprisingly nice. After months of being told how much it rains in London and that the weather is always bad, we had a week full of warm and sunny days. Meanwhile, New York was experiencing a week of clouds and rain.

Of course it was an eventful trip and I could write much more about it, but for this assignment, it’s probably better to keep it at least a little bit brief and just focus on the parts I thought of while reading the novel.

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