E-books; no more turning pages!

As we proceed into newer generations, paperback books are becoming somewhat of an outdated source for reading. Like many households that have replaced big-boxed televisions and computers with flat television and computer screens, the e-reader and other technological devices have replaced the old form of books.

Amongst the most popular devices is the Kindle e-reader.  The Kindle allows you to purchase and read books on a screen without the hassle of turning pages. It is “the biggest-selling e-reader” and of course it cannot stay on top unless it offers the best resources.  That is why Kindle has now made library e-books available to its customers. Library e-books allow people to borrow books online for up to two weeks. But there is a downside. E-book borrowing will defeat the purpose of e-book buying.

There is truth in this. Julie Bosman points out a good problem. With the purchase of an e-reader or the use of other technological devices to access readings, it is obvious these consumers do not have much care for the essence of a book. They are looking for the most convenient way. Now that there is a better, more efficient and cheap way to access books, why not take advantage of it? Although e-books are convenient and beneficial to the consumers, it will most likely have a negative impact on the publishing industry. Publishers will not earn what they deserve. While it may be easy and free of cost; a worthy piece of literature should be appreciated in its traditional form. Julie Bosman talks about the positive and negative issues which are very much agreeable.

11 thoughts on “E-books; no more turning pages!

  1. The idea of an e-library is scary for publishers, I think this may destroy the industry. People bought books because they didn’t want to borrow them from the library and they like the idea of owning it, but Kindles make the novelty of owning a book less appealing. I think the only thing to look out for is whether people still want to buy books for novelty in this digital age.

  2. I doubt that this will destroy the industry. Granted it will have an effect, but people claimed that online file sharing would ruin the music business but its still booming. It’s great that books will be more available but e-books don’t have the same feeling to them. I prefer the feel of an old fashioned book in my hands.

  3. This makes me sad because so many small bookstores are running out of business and closing out. The Kindle is a good device, but I feel like it doesn’t have the same appeal of a physical book. The turning of the pages with your own hands, the dog-earring of the page to keep your place; it’s all part of reading. I agree with Bosman, because we are already seeing a decline in bookstores.

  4. I completely agree that e-books have both negative and positive effects on society. However I believe that the pros outweigh the cons; not only are they much more convenient but the e-books are also environmentally friendly since they diminish the amount of trees cut down.

  5. I have not read an e-book but I have used google books, which is very useful for research. Those books are from print publishers. I wonder how e-books will affect publishing. Will publishers look for sales over substance?

  6. Jess,

    I just bought my mother a Kindle for her birthday and she couldn’t be happier. She’s been an avid reader all her life and while it did take some adjusting, she’s thankful for the convenience and physical relief of e-books. Are you a fan of e-books or hard copies?

    • i think e-books are really convenient and simple but I rather read off of paper. I spend way too much time staring at a screen already and I think a book is a good alternative.

  7. While riding the train I always happen to notice that many people are reading off of ebooks or kindles. I believe that it is a great invention that makes it easier to read and carry books around. People can read whenever they want and don’t have to carry big books with them wherever they go.

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