Effective Website


I find Photoville to be an effective website mainly for its visual aesthetics. The website opens up with a large photo that is appealing to the eyes. It grabs your attention instantly and it advertises for an event. Out of curiosity, you scroll down the page and are greeted with a very clean and simple format. At the top are tabs that clearly address the most basic questions you might have about the website, such as, what is Photoville? How do I contact them? What events are they associated with?

As you scroll down, the front page makes use of large headlines to grab your attention followed by short blurbs explaining what Photoville is and what they do. They introduce the different elements and events that constitute Photoville. If you want to find specific information on the website, it is easy to find. And personally, I think the way the images and text come onto the screen adds a nice touch of playful. It takes the website past the realm of simple and makes it feel interesting without being overwhelming or too busy.

The website also does a good job of laying out different pieces of information in appropriate formats. The page for exhibitions is displayed as a photo gallery while the schedule is displayed as a list with columns to make the information more accessible. Most pages are accompanied by photos, which make the pages more visually appealing, and by links, which make accessing related pages easier.

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