Personal Springboard Website Critique Recap

According to the list we developed in the beginning of last semester on what makes a website effective, here is how my own Springboard website fares:

Mapping Place & Identity

The framework for my website is solid. There is a clear structure. It is visually appealing in terms of white space, multimedia, tagging, a search bar, and drop-down menus.

The audience is also semi-directed. From the front page, there is freedom in choosing where to go next on the website. There is not a strong need to be directed in a linear sequence. However, I have categorized all of the important features of the project so that everything is easily accessible and legible.

On the other hand, there are still important aspects that need to be fixed:

The front page is still ambiguous. I will add a short text above the map to explain what this website and map are for.

As for the “People” menu option, it is currently a category. However, as the people listed underneath this category are pages, not posts, I shall change “People” to a page. On the page, I will write an explanation as to who these people are and why they were interviewed.

“Themes” is also currently a category. Depending on whether I make the drop-down options posts or pages, it will either stay the same or become a page, respectively.

I will also add more photos and include the text to create a balanced website.

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