Franklin’s Ode to the Sea Blog Post

  This painting definitely speaks out to me and represents something from my life. No, that does not mean that I have been jail to before. The way that I see it, this painting has another meaning to it. I believe it signifies that even during the darkest times of our lives, there is hope for the future. Dark times are really tough, especially the ones that come back to haunt you.

My darkest time occurred over the summer, in which I was fresh out of high school and getting ready for college. My dad and I got a call on a Monday afternoon. My great aunt informed us that my grandfather, whom I loved very much, passed away. The thing about it was that we knew it was going to happened because my grandfather was sick for a while. At that moment, however, I realized that I was never going to able to see him again. I saw him last year, during my vacation to the Dominican Republic, where my family is from. I was so excited to see him at that time, but as of now, I do not know how I am going to live life without him.

Ever since my grandfather passed, I have felt so bad for my mom because she did everything that she could to keep him alive. Additionally, my mom is sick herself. She has some weird disease that is called scleroderma. From what I know, it occurs when your skin hardens until it forces your organs to stop working. The worse thing about it is that it has no treatment whatsoever, and that is what haunts me. At this time, I feel afraid because I cannot afford to lose my mom, whether it is now or next year. My mom has done so much for me, such as being there when I got my high school diploma. I cannot imagine how life would be without her because she is one of the most powerful women that I have ever looked up to. On top of that, today is her fifty-first birthday, which is why I decided to write this post today. Even though this disease is so chronic, there is still hope that she will get to live for a long time. After all, that is something that she has always wanted, as well as seeing my generation and the one after grow.

In summary, this painting is very iconic, and it sends a clear message. Everybody has dark times in life, and it is very challenging to live through them. They can come back and give you nightmares, as well as distract you from what you are doing at the present moment. However, there is a light in the darkness, and we call this light hope. Hope will bring us out from those tough times, and it will bring us happiness. Unfortunately, I will lose both of my parents sometime in the future, but for now, I must keep a positive attitude and just hope for the best.

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