Coco Fusco Blog Post


Within the first moments of looking at this art, I noticed the mix of abstract shapes and colors all having an emphasis on the center. This is contrasted by straight lines, which cut through the art. The paintings are all very abstract, and they have multiple layers. It resembles looking at a layer of the earth, with different types of rock present at different levels. Each painting uses a unique color palette; however, they seem to flow together. All 5 pieces have a somewhat extraterrestrial feeling, where they straight lines remind me of constellations.


Upon further observance, I focused on each individual piece. Starting with the first piece on the top left, I noticed that the colors were mostly red, and dark in the center. This gave me a feeling of danger or uncertainty for what could lie in the middle. I also noticed how the straight lines connect to white blotches. As a metaphor, this can be seen as connected to places of safety, opportunity or a general goodness. The darkness of the center can resemble the struggle to get from one place to the other.


The next image, the top right, shows a much more confusing image, in my opinion. There is no clear pattern, and the straight lines that were so definitive in the first image are now crisscrossed and they do not lead anywhere. This could resemble a confusion or a sense of being lost. The artist, Francisco Donoso, says that he faced difficulty associating himself with one culture, as an immigrant from Ecuador. These undefined lines may represent how he felt all over the place and with nowhere to go, upon immigration.


On the bottom left, there is an image with more structure. The lines seem to be more of a support system rather than a path. Despite this, there is a blue ring in the center of the image that is untouched by the lines. This may resemble two different identities which don’t seem to mesh together. The blue ring also seems to be encompassing a lighter section. Maybe the ring represents a barrier, or restriction, which prevents the outside from entering.


The image in the center on the bottom shows a multitude of layers. Although the front layer is most prevalent, the others are still very distinct. The picture could represent Donoso’s experience as an immigrant. He may find it difficult to identify fully as Ecuadorian but at the same time not fully identify as American. He may feel like he is a part of both, and although that should be respected, people may outcast him or judge him based upon the quality they see first. This is troublesome because if he receives rejection from the groups he identifies with, he could feel lost. This may resemble the white space in the top of the center of the painting.


The final image, on the bottom right, shows straight lines similar to those of the first painting. After looking at it for more time, I noticed how there are only three blotches of the seven which are not black. Furthermore, there is only one that is predominantly white. I’m not exactly sure what this may mean, but I noticed how the white one is in the center and it connects all of the other blotches. Perhaps this is the ideal place where everyone is trying to get, or maybe it is where everyone is coming from.

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