Teju Cole Blog Post

In his essay. Cole explains how Singh’s photographs represents photos without a prejudice, and truly show life in its purest form.  In some of his photos, especially “Television Set” and “Village Bus Stop”, he focuses on something physically close to him, while simultaneously making sure that, although not the main focus, the background is not completely lost.  I used these photos as inspiration for my second photo, where I focused on the subtitles but allowed the stage in the background to still play a part in the photo.  My first photo represents my prior prejudices toward the opera, because I tried to show the way that I saw opera goers. I imagined very high class people, who truly knew what the opera was all about, and could engage in very academic conversations about the show.  I also had the prior prejudice that the opera would not cater to people who did not understand it, or had a difficult tie following what are usually very complicated stories.  My second photo represents my actual experience, where I realized that the Metropolitan Opera wanted everyone to be able to understand what is being portrayed on stage, and to have the best experience possible without losing any part of the show do to misunderstanding or confusion.  I felt that by providing subtitles, the opera became more accessible to those who could not engage in academic discussions about the opera, and needed some assistance in fully understanding it.

Despite the fact that I came to discover that the Opera is much more accessible than I had originally thought, I still did not particularly enjoy the show.  I did understand it, and I grasped the meaning behind it, but I did not like the fact that I was watching something in English and I still had to read English subtitles to understand what they were saying.  I also thought that there was too much happening at one time during the show.  I would attend another opera because I do want to enjoy it, however, I did not enjoy The Exterminating Angel.  

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