Ode To The Sea – Dylan Senkiw

When I ask myself what I want in life, I am always drawn to the allure of new opportunities, sights and experiences. There is nothing more exciting that exploring a new city or finding a hidden gem. This drive to seek out unique experiences and obtain new knowledge can be describes by a voyage of a ship.

First, the ship readies itself at dock. The crew loads the supplies; possibly cargo for delivery, maybe necessary resources and miscellaneous gear, as there are always unexpected events in a journey. In life, I am always prepared to get up and go. I am prepared for what is next, and I am ready to take on the challenge.

Next, the ship departs in anticipation of the opportunities that lie ahead, whatever they may be.  Often, I will embark on new paths in life, unsure of the outcome, but I see a possibly better future. I am eager to try something new and learn something from it. Although this often leads me to spur of the moment experiences, it can also result in rash decision making. Even with the later, I am able to take away life lessons. If I lead myself to a mistake, or a misstep, I am bound to realize how I caused the wrong move, or what I could’ve done more effectively. These lessons shape who I am.

While on the journey, ships can encounter unexpected barriers. To overcome these barriers in life, I must be strong willed and determined. If I am weak, I can sink; however, I make sure that I keep myself up by any means necessary. I work towards my goal, and I don’t stop until I achieve it. There are bound to be restrictions and setbacks, I must accept that, but I can’t let it hold me back from what I want. Surpassing each boundary, no matter how big, or small, or inconsequential, will not only prove to myself that I am fit for this journey of life, but it will enhance my decision making and logical reasoning.

Finally, the ship will arrive, the destination will be revealed and the effort of the voyage will be surpassed by a sense of achievement and excitement. At this point, I enjoy the benefits of hard work and perseverance that has allowed me to get to my destination. I am able to learn new things and grow from my new destination. Once I arrive, there are a plethora of opportunities waiting for me. I will be sought after, respected and accredited, as not many people can make it to where I am.

A voyage is not always physical. In my life, this represents abstract journeys to find an answer, or learn something about myself. It also represents learning in new environments and having new exposures. Throughout the entirety of life, I can expect to be spur of the moment, I can expect to chase dreams and I can be ready for new experiences, knowledge and opportunities. I am sure that my life will be a constant voyage with many different destinations.

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