Muhammad Ansi’s “Statute of Liberty” – Shyann C.


I’ve made it. I am finally here, I am finally free. My father used to tell me, “Son, America is a hell disguised as a paradise,” but seeing her majesty ahead – her pale green and blue hues fresh and inviting as the ocean waves that brought me here – would make hell seem like a wonderful place to live. Of course, I am being foolish.  I am not physically free – the screams of the damned echo in my head. They are my own outbursts of confusion. Has it been days? Weeks? Months? Time shouldn’t be of essence but I know that soon enough, I will be able to kiss her majesty’s feet, admire her construction, admire her beauty.

She reigns supreme over all. The American pigs do not appreciate her but I do. She stands above all else, a mother to a kingdom, awaiting a hero to save her. While her beauty does captivate, her imprisonment drives a man mad. My suffering shall not be in vain – I will save her.  She gives me a new freedom for my demented imagination. I lie awake at night imagining us, together –  her cold copper on my cold, bruised and battered flesh. Does she know I want to rescue her? Does she even know I exist? Lady liberty standing tall, but for how long?

The truth is, I have never seen her up close. But I am here, she is close. Her form appears in my head and I call the guard for my fix. I need to see her. I have to paint her. She is a magnificent sight! Although in reality she may be greater and for that I am sorry for the lack of representation my love. Your arm carries a torch that could burn entire cities in one wrong move – I too, am a loose cannon, they’ve pushed me this far. If you had known my hell here on this island, would you rescue me? Would my 76 hertz of agony awaken you? Perhaps.

            Crimson paint for your oxidation – My arms are bound behind me as the course fibers rip my flesh, “I don’t know anything! I swear I don’t!” Forest green and sky blue mixed for your beautiful copper and iron skin – “What are they planning?” Shock, bolts of electricity dance before my watering eyes in these wavelengths. “I am innocent!” They up the current until –

Black – The ocean casts its shadow on you and brings you to life. “Why are you  this?! You’re going to kill me!” Another shock. His blue eyes suddenly turn black, everything turns black. Now for the sea, baby blue. His eyes. Dip, stroke into the paint. Light coat of brown for your kingdom, it is nowhere near as magnificent as you. His arms grind my face into the ground, his knee in my back – I’ve never felt more helpless. I know he won’t end me, but I wish he would. Then bury me in the land of my love. Let my soul roam free.





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