Exterminating Angel Experience



When I first stepped into the Metropolitan Opera, I thought I was some stranger because I came in a hoodie, a vest, cargo pants, and sneakers, and most of the people around me were semi-formal. However, there were a few people that were wearing jeans and sneakers, so I kind of felt okay. As for the performance itself, I thought it was not that bad because there were some parts of it that I found a little humorous, but it could have been better. During the first two acts of the play, I did not really understand what they were saying simply because I did not have the subtitles on. I understood the whole play, but I would not say that I really liked it because operas are not really my thing.

As for the pictures, the one with the bear at the middle of the stage represents my previous prejudice of operas. I first thought that operas were really boring because I have always had the imagination that people were just going to sing about whatever. However, the fact that this opera had a bear as one of its characters made it a little more interesting. It was almost as if it was an opera and a play at the same time.

In his essay, Cole explained that Singh’s photographs included “the subcontinental terrain, the eyepopping color,” and “the human presence,” which is why I chose the other photo. This was the beginning of the third and final act, in which the townspeople gathered around the house and the little boy was called on by the officers because his parents were locked inside. At that moment, the stage itself was very colorful, as if it was a show on Broadway, and the fact that the townspeople surrounded the house highlights the “human presence.”

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