This performance was very intriguing. I had never been to a performance like this before and it was a new experience. Since the moment it started, I was trying to figure out what was going on. All the different body movements in the beginning were amazing. It made me wonder how much of it was choreographed and how much of it was just done on the spot. Either way, it was quite interesting. All parts of the body were used in this performance. The two performers, complimented one another on stage and it was amazing to see this. At times I would focus on one performer more than the other, but it was hard to ignore the other performer. It was like I had to multi-task and try to focus on both performers to get the most out of what they were trying to convey.

I was surprised by the stamina of the performers to keep up the show for almost an hour. They kept on going and never lost focus. I also found the calling out of the countries very interesting. I like how it went from very chaotic to more controlled and then chaotic and then a mixture of both. The overall theme of the overview effect could be seen at certain points and I was always trying to decipher how the different movements and actions showed it. The presentation of the overview effect at the end was also very helpful and it helped me to understand better the overall performance.