With its gradually intensifying beats, the beginning of this performance really captivated my attention. I didn’t know what I was about to witness and the continuous beats seemed to increase the anticipation in the room. As soon as the first dancer hit the stage I realized all of my expectations were very wrong. There was no way to really expect what was performed during this showcase. The fluid movements of both dancers were not typical to those of previous dance styles I have seen, in fact I thought some of them were very eccentric.

I spent most of the time trying to figure out what every move they made meant or represented. The part that I found most interesting was when they started walking in circles, using hand signals and also utilizing their vocals to name countries from all around the world. I understood that they were supposed to be orbiting the earth and what I interpreted was that they were trying to communicate with one another and essentially work in harmony. It was obvious however, that they couldn’t always be on the same page but this is just representative of the challenging cultural clashes nations may face when trying to work together. Although some parts of the project are unclear to me I appreciate what Sara, the project director, tried to convey through this mixture of science and dance. I’ve certainly never seen anything like it but maybe that was the point Sara was trying to make. Just as the overview effect is something not many people have experienced maybe she wanted the performance to be as foreign to us as the overview effect is to human kind.