
-I agree that the performance got a little repetitive- I found it a bit difficult to pay attention during the whole thing. Still, we cannot discount the enormous amount of effort put into doing a show like this. I’d find it hard to do once, let alone rehearse it multiple times!


I read the dance as a tale about how folk dances are gradually ignored and displaced by modern culture. Folk dances are symbolized by the man with the hat and his accordion, who leaves first. Without him, the rest of the dancers are left to their own devices, and adapt their dance to modernity by pairing it with contemporary music. But without the cultural identity provided by the accordion, the group loses their soul, and eventually drifts apart. This is echoed by the title, which implies that peoples’ tastes are fickle and we may discard traditional cultural forms in an instant. On a personal note, I am disappointed that the performance did not end with the first man returning to play the accordion and reunite the group.