What We Feel and What We Mean
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the White Stag

“Beauty is an elusive creature, like the mythical white stage chased by kings and hunters.  Vainly they chase it, through every obstacle, and just when it’s within reach, just as the tips of their fingers for an instant brush against its velvet coat, it laughs and disappears.  As hunters, we are only left with a cruel memory of what we almost possessed, of its soft fur touching our skin, and we hunger to chase it again.  The result will always be the same, yet we cannot stop the chase.”


I think this quote gives a good analogy of the endless human search for beauty.  Every one of us has a white stag we chase after, in an attempt to capture it. My own white stag is the painting I’ve posted by James C. Christensen.  All of his artwork is beautiful, but this woman is the epitome of angelic good-looks.  How futilely I apply make-up, and do my hair, in an attempt to capture the ethereal beauty that dazzles the viewer of this painting!  Oh the disappointment of being thwarted! I’ve never seen any one in this reality whose beauty matches her own.

Curse you, Pretty Picture!


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