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Chalk Art- Julian Beever

Hey Guys!

My friend showed me a picture of this once, and I was amazed by it. I couldn’t take my eyes off all the realistic features. Notice how the guy on the left actually avoids the picture. He thinks it’s actually there. It takes a while for me to even realize that it is completely fake.

There are tons of these. I only uploaded my favorite one.

More pics can be seen at http://www.julianbeever.net/pave.htm.


Joey Kabariti


1 Emibee Wong <3 { 09.19.11 at 2:59 am }

Hi Joey, I have seen these around in the city too and it’s quite unbelievable how just simple chalk dust can make something so realistic! I don’t blame the guy for dodging the drawn blocks; I would have to look twice to determine if what I’m seeing is actually 2-D or 3-D!

2 richiemiz { 09.19.11 at 3:32 am }

This is super cool. I checked out that website and some of those art pieces are messing with my mind. I keep switching back and forth from the front view of “Baby food” and the back view. Its crazy how the perception and angle of the art and the viewer makes an amazing illusion.
However, this brings me to question the photo you have put up. If the illusion in the art is based on the point of view and the illusion is based on someone looking from the front, why is the person trying to avoid the art as if he thinks its real. This leads me to believe that either the person knows that its art and doesn’t want to ruin the chalk or the photo they took was all setup. Either way the art is still very cool and is fun to look at.

3 Joseph Kabariti { 09.20.11 at 1:36 am }

I don’t exactly know how he does it, but I do know that even if it is only seen from one angle clearly, it is still amazing to make it work out. It is, in my book, a work of art, and I admire the artist’s precision with it.

Joey Kabariti

4 sari { 09.20.11 at 4:21 am }

I love the illusion of the missing sidewalk; it challenges the assumed the idea of constancy. A sidewalk is a sidewalk. And then suddenly, a brilliant artist turns a very concrete reality – the sidewalk (it’s about as concrete as constant gets) and he uses it as a canvas to create an optical illusion. So in the end, the sidewalk really is, still, just a sidewalk…..or is it?

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