What We Feel and What We Mean
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Vandalism that’s not quite vandalism.

I don’t have a digital camera, so I had to draw what I saw on a piece of paper and take a picture with my iSight.  I am also not much of an artist, so the drawing is rudimentary at best.  Do forgive me.

What you see is a drawing of some graffiti I pass on one of the many routes I walk every day.  Someone spray-painted the words “Grandma loves Granpa” (Yes, they did leave the letter “D” out of Grandpa) onto the wall of a pedestrian foot-bridge.  I thought it was such a funny phrase with which to vandalize a wall; in fact, I don’t think the expression of such a lovely, long-lasting sentiment can rightly be called vandalism.  It should be called art.

The form of the letters is very feminine, and one thing I like about it is that when I pass it one way, I read “Grandma loves Granpa” and on my way home I read “Granpa loves Grandma.”  It goes both ways.


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