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Public Art

Public art can be found anywhere. This photo was taken during a recent trip into Manhattan. When we got out of the subway at 34th Street-Penn Station, we stumbled upon this very photogenic squirrel. It seemed to be posing for every picture we snapped. It would run down the tree trunk and then flash a grin our way. One of the many unique things about New York is the interesting creatures one can always run into. One may encounter a curious character on the subway or a camera-friendly squirrel frolicking through the streets. In context, this art is a minute measure of the uniqueness of New York City. This critter captures the attitude and vibrancy  of New York.

1 comment

1 sari { 10.09.11 at 1:11 am }

I happen to love squirrels and they fit really well in NYC– they’re always running somewhere, acting very busy as if they actually have an appointment to get to. And when they’re not, they’re standing perfectly still, as if listening for something- something big. Then they scurry off. And then there’s the roadkill. Which is also fitting, in a way. Call me crazy, but the squirrels seem to be very much in sync with the NYC rhythm of things.

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