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NYC Art Everywhere!

In a city that’s so lively, creative, artistic and multi-talented, there is no doubt that one will be able to sight public art around the five boroughs in various forms. There are so many aesthetically pleasing and intriguing things located in New York City, but one can only post so much about them. Last Saturday, I went out to Manhattan from Brooklyn and captured a few of the myriad of artsy objects I observed that day. Enjoy!

Let’s start off with something we are all familiar with:

Not only is the old-fashioned library's exterior a work of art itself, but the library's bell tower fills the campus with sonorous chimes at different time intervals of the day.

As I was heading towards a very nice art store in the Columbus Circle area, I noticed this replica of the Mona Lisa on the wall of the building. What do you think about a famous piece of art used as a form of advertisement for something that embodies art?


One of the other most exquisite aspects of New York City is the architecture of its buildings. The Hearst Tower is a 42-story glass and metal skinned tower characterized by a large diagonal grid in Manhattan, emphasized by vertically alternating recessed and projecting multistory corner triangles. It sits atop the six-story cast-stone building Hearst Company headquarters, and in a way serves to greatly contrast with the headquarters, bearing neither stylistic nor material relationship to the high-rise above.

Below is a short clip of a man acting as if he was an inanimate object rotating on his small square platform in very slow motion. He was at the 59th Street- Columbus Circle train station, and he is one of the many public live arts one can see in New York City subway stations that make New York City all that much more unique.


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