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9/11 Memorial

While I was traveling to get to the 9/11 Memorial, I felt really excited. I really wanted to see what the Memorial would look like since I’ve never seen pictures or videos of it. When I stepped out of the subway the atmosphere seemed kind of grim. Like usual I was surrounded by towering buildings and construction. I looked ahead and wondered where the Memorial was. Once we got to the area, the security didn’t surprise me considering the place we were visiting. The atmosphere changed once I stepped inside. It felt as if the air was more clear and they sky was brighter. I walked into a nice open space filled with greenery. I found the Memorial refreshing and interesting. The atmosphere there was very soothing. Everyone there was respectful and took in their surroundings. I could hear the flow of the water and the sound of wind hitting the trees. What I loved the most were the two waterfalls. It was nice just to stand in front of it and watch the water slowly fall. Occasionally you could feel water on you from the wind.

The tree that was the only thing that survived from the attack was also quite interesting. It was so small yet so strong. I feel like it was an important symbol in the Memorial as the small pear tree stood there struggling to survive. They had cords around it to make sure it would stay standing. It’s hard to believe that its been 10 years since 9/11. I remember being in 3rd grade and the original panic everyone had. Being only 8 at the time I only remember being picked up from school in the middle of the day. I found the Memorial meaningful and it reminded me of how people will always remember those that have been lost.


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