What We Feel and What We Mean
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I’m a sucker for pretty things.  While I wouldn’t describe myself as girly,  Loving pictures of girly things is something I’ll never escape.  I saw the picture, the picture, in the fashion exhibit.  It’s black and white, and it’s subject is a woman.

She’s clothed in flowy and sheer tunic of sorts that molds to her frame, not hiding the shape of her.  Her feet are clad in half-slippers, only covering the upper-portion of her foot, which are structured to curl up at the toes whimsically, reminiscent of the movement of her dress and body.

Her body leans forward, almost in a fall.  Yet her arms are extended behind her, with fingers gracefully outstretched but without straining.  One of her legs pushes her off the ground, propelling her forward, foot on tip-toe.  The other leg is bent and drawn up almost to her chest.  The way her head pitches itself forward is quite striking, putting her profile in sharp relief against the white background.  Her whole position screams grace, despite the seeming awkwardness of being caught between moves of either falling jumping, or dancing or flying, In fact, it’s quite jarring.  One might even think that it doesn’t look graceful at all.  But I think the secret lies her musculature- she’s not an emaciated super-model.  She’s a real human with real movement, movement that’s jarring at times but not posed, and shows itself to be utterly human.

Her beauty is natural, and freckled, and jarring, and always moving forward.


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