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What’s a Harper’s Bazaar?

Now I wouldn’t say I’m constantly flipping through high end fashion magazines looking for the latest trend, but up until our trip to the ICP, I was pretty sure that I knew all the major ones. And I was sure that the Harpur’s Bazaar was some sort of festival they held in NYC every year. I was pleasantly surprised when I went into the Harper’s Bazaar gallery and saw walls filled with photos that looked like they came out of a fashion magazine.

I really enjoyed looking at this gallery because there was such a wide range of photographs. On one end there was a huge lip covered with bright red lipstick while on the other end  I saw Naomi Campbell fearlessly on top of an alligator. It was also pretty funny to see the spread of Ellen Degeneres wearing Donna Karen. I actually stood there for a couple of minutes making sure that it was Ellen Denegeneres that I was looking at because she was wearing clothing so different from her style today. I really got a sense of how fashion and even the celebrities and designers have changed so much over the years.

The photograph that really caught my attention was of Kate Winslet photographed by Peter Lindbergh (August 2009). At first glance, it looks like a very elegant stance with Manhattan as a backdrop. She is wearing a very classy, silky white dress that looks like it is fluttering with a subtle wind.  However, her body is leaning from what looks likes the metal wiring at the back of a billboard. She looks like she is  a couple of stories high which is proven by the backdrop of the tall skyscrapers. She effortlessly extends her arms out as if she’s not afraid of anything. Now how many woman are willing to a couple of stories high and lean from a billboard? (Certainly not me!) Lindbergh takes a dramatic approach to catch Winslet’s classy, effortless and bold beauty.


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