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A Decade of Style

I really wasn’t sure what kind of artwork I would be expecting when I first walked into ICP. I chose Harpers Bazaar because I thought it would be something different. It didn’t disappoint me and I was blown away by the uniqueness within each picture. I love how when I first walked in you can automatically tell which area is for which gallery of art. As I walked through the Signs gallery I could sense the more melancholy atmosphere but once I walked into Harpers Bazaar the energy dramatically increased. It was a small space full with color and expression.

The one that caught my eye the most was Jean – Paul Goude’s photo of Marc Jacobs and Naomi Campbell. It was a unique picture because there was so much going on in that one photo. I found that the other photos in the room mostly centered around one thing but for this photo my eyes didn’t know where to start looking at first. It’s a photo full of life that brings out the character of the subject. Excluding the subjects we can see clothes and shoes scattered everywhere as if they we’re busy preparing for something and didn’t bother to clean up. I found it amusing to look at Marc Jacob in a tutu. There he was a man with biceps bigger then the regular man in a small tutu. Not only was he a muscular man but he also had a tattoo on his arm. All in all though we find it simply amusing to look at this man dressed in a tutu he doesn’t seem to belong in fit in this picture. Now we have the poised Naomi Campbell who’s not wearing anything except what is mostly a thong. I found that it was so natural for her to be naked and to be doing what she was doing. She was wearing ballet shoes and all I could think about was her posture, not her nudity.  The old black piece of wood doesn’t take away any of the beauty of this picture and just makes it even more beautiful. Naomi Campbell is practically shining in this picture and it’s as if Marc Jacob is lending her a hand in this beauty as we see how their postures are connected by the pulling of the rope between them. Marc Jacob pulling on the rope is what brings Naomi Campbell’s posture but in the picture everything looks so natural. The photo brings out different emotions between the two different subjects. It’s also a photo which lets us make a story with in our own mind. When you look at the picture you wonder to yourself, what exactly are they doing in this picture? It’s a photo with a very relaxed atmosphere but also with a lot of depth behind it.

I really enjoyed going to ICP and it was a lot of fun to look at the different photos within the different sections. There were so many other extraordinary photos with Harpers Bazaar. I also enjoyed walking through the 9/11 gallery. The way they curated the exhibit created a solemn atmosphere. I found myself looking back and trying to remember what happened. Those little captions next to each photo had so much meaning even though it was just one sentence. The area with the film of photos blew me away as I stood in the middle of it with screens of 9/11 pictures surrounding me.


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