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Dia: Beacon

I really enjoyed our class trip to Dia: Beacon. After a long train ride starting at Grand Central Station, we arrived at the museum. I loved the whole feeling of the museum, the way it felt like we were standing in an abandoned warehouse with white walls and open space surrounding us. It was hard for us to keep track of where we were going, because the place was huge and it felt like a maze of art exhibits. We got to see a lot of paintings and sculptures, but my favorite was Dan Flavin’s exhibit of the different formations made out of fluorescent lights. They all looked similar, because they were all constructed using fluorescent rods, but when I looked closely at each one, they were all different. One of them looked like a spaceship, one looked like the empire state building, and one even looked like a gun turned sideways. The exhibit was very original, and I’ve never seen anything quite like it. I thought it was creative that he used light bulbs, an everyday object, to create art.


Next we went to see the dance performance, which I thought was pretty disturbing. I found it hard to see because of the poles in the middle of the floor that were blocking my view. The movements of the performers didn’t look like regular dance, rather they were dancing in very peculiar way. It was especially odd when the woman started screaming in the middle of the performance.


Overall, I enjoyed the trip to Dia Beacon (although I didn’t love the dance performance.) It was a truly beautiful exhibit, and I appreciated the art displayed there.


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