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My New York City

New York City is such a grand and bustling city that it strikes a different chord in each and every person that is lucky enough to encounter it. Regardless of all our different experiences and interpretations of what New York City is, I think it is safe to say that there is no other place in the world like it. What other city has the most diverse county in the whole world?  In this city, you will meet people from all over the world, experience different froms art, and indulge yourself in foods which I personally think cannot be beat.

My NYC is  represented by none other than Times Square. Regardless of the numerous times I have been to Times Square, I get chills every time I see the lights flashing before my eyes. The surplus of people is both overwhelming and exciting. It is literally called “The Crossroads of the World.” From Broadway shows to restaurants to Naked Cowboys, anything and everything can happen here. Last year I was lucky enough to visit it during the first snow fall of the season and it truly was magical. Below is a photograph I took in Times Square just over a week ago.

I think the classic song that represents New York is “New York, New York” by Frank Sinatra. While it might be the obvious choice, the song pretty much sums up everything that you need to know about the Empire State. It shows that while NYC has everything, it is up to you to go out and explore this great city. You can be anyone you want to be.

1 comment

1 Joseph Ugoretz { 11.14.11 at 10:03 pm }

Times Square has changed so much over time–as we talked about in class. But there’s still that feeling of “you can be anyone you want to be.” I think that feeling might be critical to understanding the New York feeling, and critical to understanding (some) art in New York.

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