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Meet the Artist- Alicia Hall Moran

A few nights ago I went to the Meet the Artist event, featuring Alicia Hall Moran. It was an interesting event that I found to be very enjoyable, although I did not expect to like it at first.

In the beginning of the program, Mrs. Moran spoke to us and explained that she has a unique style of music. She sings opera, but with Motown lyrics. These two genres of music are very different, and I didn’t know how well the two would mesh. I admit that I was very skeptical about her approach.  However, when she began to sing, I realized that her style of music actually worked well. She was singing opera, but instead of the typical opera lyrics, these lyrics were Motown, as she had explained to us earlier. I thought that it was cool that she was able to merge two very different types of music. Her voice was beautiful and she sang a few songs, which to my surprise, I enjoyed. I never really liked opera music, but for some reason her performance entranced me. The music was soothing and I truly enjoyed the performance


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