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The Dinner Party

The Brooklyn Museum was much nicer than I expected, and the exhibits were beautiful as well as thought provoking. When I walked into The Dinner Party, I was confused at first. I didn’t understand the purpose of the exhibit. When I took a closer look, I realized that the names on each place setting were the names of famous women. The names were placed chronologically according to when each of the women was alive. There were names of Greek and Roman goddesses, politicians, and movement leaders. I found it vulgar and really strange that there were female organs displayed on the plates around the table. It goes against everything that today’s feminists stand for, so I don’t really understand how this is looked at as a “feminist” piece of art.

I was surprised to hear that the exhibit isn’t a new exhibit. It was originally created in the 1970’s and was recently moved to the Brooklyn Museum. It looked so clean and new, so I wouldn’t have thought that it was around for about 40 years.

Overall, the trip to the Brooklyn Museum was an interesting trip for me, and I enjoyed the experience.


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