What We Feel and What We Mean
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Brooklyn Museum

While everyone else goes on their diatribes about the vulgarity of vaginas on plates and whatever that means to whomever, I personally cared nothing for it. Not only was it, in my opinion, a success by getting people to talk about it and analysis what that meant for feminism, but also it represents a monster in the Brooklyn Museum that overpowers the others. Not so? Look at the majority of people and what they wrote about.

No, in this piece I will talk about the Art of the 20s. I found the exhibition to be excellently presented, displaying a wide array of the art of the time. The pieces offered images of flappers and of postmodern preoccupations. However I felt the exhibition was flawed in its presentation of minorities. While in other mediums literature, music, etc. the Harlem Renaissance is in high regard and much celebrate, here in the heart of the twenties, the movement was placed in a four-panel wall at upper right corner. The few pieces while good only depicted the Jazz life. They failed to portray the struggles and fight for equality as depicted by Jacob Lawrence, Aaron Douglas, David Driskell, James Porter, Charles Alston, and William Johnson, among many.

This lack of representation, I found, severely puts in jeopardy the main goal of the exhibition, to present the art of twentieth century and the prevalent ideas of beauty


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