What We Feel and What We Mean
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Gazing and Soaring.

On October 11, I went to the Tennis Courts at Kelly Park on Ave. S and E 14th in Brooklyn. Originally, I was going to just take a picture of my friends playing tennis, but something caught my eye. In the sky, there were these birds flying together in a diagonal line formation. I know birds usually fly in a “V” formation when they migrate to the south, but I’ve never seen it before. This was the first time I’ve seen birds fly in such a pattern. So, I needed to take a picture of it not only because of its beauty but because it has always been a childhood dream of mine to soar above the earth and gaze at all beneath me. Luckily, I had my camera already around my neck so that I could capture this moment. It honestly was just a moment because as soon as I took the picture, the birds flew too far away for me to even see them. So, this picture is my Snapshot photo for it only took a moment to experience such beauty.


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