What We Feel and What We Mean
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Hiding Place

Here is my Snapshot Day photo:

A beautiful blue sky peeps through the clouds, only to be cleverly captured by the windows below.

A shelter stands somewhere underneath.
The Brooklyn College Library.


For two months, I worked on curating the Snapshot Day event along with ten other students from different Macaulay campuses. Long nights, long days, countless hours spent working and reworking the exhibition. It was a lot of work and pressure trying to think of creative ideas and to actually carry them out before the deadline. But the hard work paid off. It was wonderful to see the curation that my fellow curators and I  had worked on. It was a success. And I am really glad that I took part in this a experience. It opened my mind to more creative ideas. The actual Snapshot Day event was also a mind-opening experience. Before the event, I could not wrap my mind around the idea of a “re-curation.” But after seeing some of the videos fellow students created, I felt enlightened. Some were quite creative.


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