What We Feel and What We Mean
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Dia Beacon

I thoroughly enjoyed myself, which is unusual because normally I have no appreciation for that kind of art.  I think that taking any of the pieces by themselves I might not have cared that much, but looking at the whole place as a conglomerate, I thought it worked very well.  I loved the warehouse feeling, and the natural lighting, and how open the space was.  While I was walking around, I didn’t analyze anything, I just looked at it and let my brain do its weird thinking thing.  I would look at something and associate it with something else and get some sort of a message from it.  Like the paintings that were just white, or really pale, I thought to myself that perhaps it’s a statement of the impact of art on our everyday lives.  How something hangs on a wall for so long that we don’t notice it anymore; it might as well be color of the wall and blend in.  We let art be no better than a wall.  I also really loved the strings they had stretched between floor and ceiling.  I had trouble walking around them, or watching other people walk through them, because I kept thinking I would walk into glass.  It only takes a couple strings to define a surface.

All in all, I had an enjoyable time (sans the dance, which I still can’t get my head around), and Dia Beacon will be checked as a cool place in my book.


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