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Brooklyn Museum

I gotta say I was very surprised to see how nice and big the museum actually is. When we were talking about it in class I thought it was little hole in the wall museum that Brooklyn has so they can claim they have a museum. But when I walked out of the train station and saw the big entrance and awning like thing in the front I was pleasantly surprised.

The first exhibit I looked at was the Dinner Party. I was having a hard time interpreting what it was at first. As I went along I got the main idea, that some of my colleagues have already posted about, but I still don’t know the reason behind it and what it is trying to show. The one thing I was really confused about was the “Ethel Smyth” piano plate (picture at the bottom). I understand that she was a composer so a piano is fitting in that regard but it totally strays from the common vulva symbol. Thats my take on it.

The rest of the museum was great as well. I enjoyed the “Young and Beauty” exhibit. It touched on a lot of things the we spoke about in class about the beauty in regards to the human body.

The piece with the boxes on the wall accompanied with a video of the artist struggling to put them up was also very interesting. Its a new perspective when you actually see the struggle the artist puts into his/her work, which is why I think the video was trying to convey.

The whole museum exceeded my expectation by far and I enjoyed the trip a lot.




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