What We Feel and What We Mean
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Snapshot Day

On October 11th, Snapshot Day I took a picture of this head cushion in my friends car shown below. At the moment I just thought the cushion was really cute and it gave me a sense of what everyday life is like. Whenever I think of the comfortable normal days in my life where I’m just talking to my friends in the car.The object of this picture isn’t really what we would call beautiful but the picture has meaning for myself.

On Sunday I went to the Snapshot Gallery and I was surprised by how creative the curators were. I thought they were just going to have pictures put up along the Macaulay building and call it a day. However each area had a deep meaning behind it on how they connected the pictures. I also liked the ones that were along the wall next to the stairs. It made it feel like I was traveling through pictures. Another thing I really enjoyed looking at was the fashion show part of of the exhibit. Although they shredded the pictures which made me unable to really tell what they were, it was still cool to see them come together as a dress. They also had a power point playing in the background of the dress to show us which pictures they shredded.  I enjoyed the event besides the technical difficulties my group had with exporting our video. I could tell the curators put a lot of effort into it. It was also nice to see how everyone sees things so differently. Even though all the pictures were taken in the same day, it felt like we were all living a completely different life and it makes me wonder how some people encounter some things in their life.



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