What We Feel and What We Mean
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I recently went to ICP, and exhibits that were being displayed there were truly amazing and inspiring. The one that I spent the most time on was the 9/11 memorial. The exhibit had a very solemn and serious feeling. I see the exhibit as a tribute to those who died on 9/11.

The thing that struck me the most was when I saw the piles of rubbish on the floor that actually came from the destruction of the Twin Towers. It made me realize just how real the situation is. It is not just an exhibit in a museum, nor is it just a piece of American history, it was a tragic happening that affected the lives of so many families. They lost lost the people that they loved. The exhibit made it all feel so real. I was deeply affected by the 9/11 memorial, and it got me thinking about the issue from a different perspective. My visit to ICP was an eye opening experience.


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